Question on Gather process

Hi, I wanted to know if there is a simple ‘automated’ way of filtering out content during the gather process? I know we can globally hide content but then everytime there is update we need to check and hide the updated fixlet.

Site: Updates for Windows Applications Extended
Update: Puppet Agent v8.10.0


I’m afraid there’s not even a complex automated way to do that for your specific criteria; we don’t currently provide hide/unhide via REST API.

You might deny your non-master-operators access to the site at all, or create a baseline containing only the components you want to deploy.

Thx for the response appreciated.

Re-reading this it occurs that I may have misunderstood some of this. For that particular site, when we publish updated fixlets they should keep the same Fixlet ID, so once you hide a fixlet, that fixlet should remain hidden (only for these ‘Extended’ sites where we keep the same Fixlet ID on upgrade versions).

Are you having to re-hide the same fixlet you had hidden before? Or do you want all new products to default to hidden?

If you wish to very tightly control new content, we do have an option to make all new fixlets in a site Hidden By Default, or to make all new fixlets HIdden By Default. Then, as a master operator, you need to un-hide the fixlets you want visible to your non-master-operators.

Details at List of advanced options with options configured in the ‘Advanced Options’ page of the BigFix Admin Tool:


If set, this option allows you to specify either to make Fixlets, tasks and analysis gathered from external sites globally visible or to make them globally hidden. By default, they are globally visible to all Console operators.


This option allows to selectively change the default Fixlet visibility on a per-site basis. It only takes effect when global default Fixlet hiding is not in use. You specify a comma-separated list of all the site IDs to be hidden by default. The list of sites IDs is in the SITENAMEMAP table in the database.

That’s very useful info.
We only had to hide the fixlet one-time so far but was not aware of the fact for extended sites the fixlet ID remains the same, in that case we should be good.

I will also be looking at the other 2 options that you mentioned.

THx again for your help/advice

much appreciated

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