Question about the Chrome update fixlet

I keep having issues with the Chrome update fixlet. ID 14011137. My systems sit there waiting for Downloads to be Mirrored forever. Are we supposed to manually download the installer, rename it to the SHA value, and then place it onto the platform server? Like we have to for Java? The description on this fixlet never says that you need to do that, but it gives a link to Google’s page for downloading it. So, this leaves me wondering if that’s required.

The issue is that Google updates the download binary frequently. If you push the latest fixlet to at least one machine as soon as it is released, the download will be cached on your server and subsequent actions will continue to work with the cached copy even if Google updates the download.

Otherwise, you can get into that state where Google has updated the binary but the Bigfix team hasn’t caught up to it with a new fixlet.

Ah. I was wondering if that might be the case. When I went looking for the install today, it was an even newer version than the one I’ve been trying to deploy for this patching cycle. And they seem to release updates a bit after MS releases theirs, so we’re always trying to push out a version that is already several weeks old.

Does BigFix periodically purge binaries that it has cached? And, if so, how often or what criteria does it use for that?

The download cache has a configurable limit, and the least recently used binaries/files are deleted first. Please see for reference.

We are facing this issue on 2012R2 mostly and getting error “Waiting to satisfy temporal distribution time constraint.”.

and due to this other patches are also goinn under “Waiting on Action dependency” they are never tried to downloaded.

What can be cause of this ? Need assistance here

That message indicates you configure “Stagger downloads over X minutes” in the “Take Action” settings dialog, and the client is waiting for that stagger time.

Figured out the issue…It was the “Google Chrome 77.0.3865.90 “ fixlet which was giving error…It was throwing error requested Sha1 does not match with Actual Sha1 and due to which it was retrying to download untill action end time which might have caused other patches to stay in waiting state.