Question about applicable and relevance

(imported topic written by Kenz91)

Is there a difference in the two? I created a simple action to install a piece of software (IBM license meter agent) on our servers. In the relevance tab of the action it basically has the code to narrow it down to servers and it checks to see if the agent service does not exists.

It shows the proper systems as applicable and I’ve pushed it out to a few test ones. It installs fine but the machines still remain in the applicable list. Doesn’t it check the relevancy code after the install?

(imported comment written by Kenz91)

Anyone have an idea?

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Could you be more specific? Maybe post the actual Relevance? Thanks.

(imported comment written by Kenz91)

Here is the relevance. So is there a difference between relevance and applicable?

(name of it = “Win2000” OR (name of it = “Win2003” AND NOT x64 of it) OR (name of it = “Win2003” AND x64 of it) OR ((name of it = “Win2008” or (name of it = “WinVista” and product type of it != nt workstation product type)) AND NOT x64 of it) OR ((name of it = “Win2008” or (name of it = “WinVista” and product type of it != nt workstation product type)) AND x64 of it) OR name of it = “Win2008R2”) of operating system AND (not exists service “IBM License Metric Tool and Tivoli Asset Discover Agent”)

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

not exists service “IBM License Metric Tool and Tivoli Asset Discover Agent”

That may be your problem. I don’t have the IBM License tool service installed… but this example should point you in the right direction:

q: services whose (it as string contains “App”)

A: “AeLookupSvc” “Application Experience” “Running”

A: “ALG” “Application Layer Gateway Service” “Stopped”

A: “Appinfo” “Application Information” “Running”

A: “AppMgmt” “Application Management” “Stopped”

A: “COMSysApp” “COM+ System Application” “Running”

q: display names of services whose (it as string contains “App”)

A: Application Experience

A: Application Layer Gateway Service

A: Application Information

A: Application Management

A: COM+ System Application

q: service names of services whose (it as string contains “App”)

A: AeLookupSvc


A: Appinfo

A: AppMgmt

A: COMSysApp

q: exists service “Application Experience”

A: False

q: exists service whose (service name of it is “Application Experience”)

A: False

q: exists service whose (display name of it is “Application Experience”)

A: True

(imported comment written by Kenz91)

That did it. Thanks Noah