Query a list of fixlets released after a particular date using REST API

Hi All,

I want to achieve the following task
query a list of critical fixlets for a site (i.e. ‘Patches for RHEL6 Native Tools’) which are released or added after a particular days using REST API. Currently I can get that report using the web report schedule.


Hi @dn6116

Try this:

names of bes fixlets whose ( month_and_year of source release date of it = (month_and_year of current date - 1*month) and display name of site of it contains "Patches for Windows" and source severity of it contains "Critical")

This is for the fixlets of the last month and for the site “Patches for Windows”. So you can change the time you want and the site you want.

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Hi Steini44,

Thanks for your prompt tip. I want to use REST API not relevence do you know how?


Hi @dn6116

You can use this relevance with the REST API:


And put the relevance from above behind it:

https://x.x.be:52311/api/query?relevance=names of bes fixlets whose ( month_and_year of source release date of it = (month_and_year of current date - 1*month) and display name of site of it contains "Patches for Windows" and source severity of it contains "Critical")

More info can be found on https://developer.bigfix.com/rest-api/ .

Hope this helps!

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@steini44 , How we can fetch Applicable computer name as well with Fixlet Name?