Python Script support for deployment

Hi All,

Is this possible to deploy the “python” script in bigfix,

I wan to use python script to get the result from target machines,

Do you want to install python or run python script via bigfix? Both of them are possible.

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Both work. Use Bigfix to install your favorite python runtime on target clients. Then you can run python scripts on them.

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Thanks @rohit and @JonL,
Could you provide any sample action command to execute the python script ?

Here are some clips from a python script we use to manage SSL settings on WebLogic.

First thing is to install a python runtime on your targeted clients. In my case, I have WebLogic installed that understands Python.

Second is to either create or upload your python script. I create mine on the fly using createfile.

Then I create a batch wrapper to call the script. Note that python is sensitive to the execution path, so modify as needed.

delete "path\WLSssl.bat"
delete __appendfile
appendfile call path\setWLSEnv.cmd>nul
appendfile %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java weblogic.WLST
copy __appendfile "path\WLSssl.bat"
wait cmd /C “path\WLSssl.bat”>path\WLS_SSL_install.log