We have recently upgraded to Bigfix 10, i have generated PVU sub capacity report from Audit snapshot of BFI. How can i calculate the PVU consumption of a particular product from this report? I mean which columns in this report to be considered and how to do the calculation.
This report doesn’t have the server Environment so have populated them using our CMDB. can you please also advise do we need to consider only Prod servers for PVU calculcation?
If you can please illustrate the calculation using an example would be great.
There is lot of information available in HCL BigFix Inventory (BFI) documentation. There are configuration steps that need to be completed (HW scans, SW Scans, Uploads etc) tasks to get all the information needed and Software Classification work to generate PVU Report.
You can check the PVU consumption of a particular product from All IBM metrics as well. In All IBM Metrics, with respect to product name, you can check PVU sub-capacity and full capacity usage.You can select that particular product and it will take you to the page where you can see the consuption with respect to physical host. if you select the particular host, it will provide you the consumption corresponding to each VM on that host.
For eg :
For product " IBM Websphere application server" PVU subcapacity is 620
When you select the product , there are 2 physical host
For the first physical host PVU subcapacity is 140 ( 70 (PVU per core ) * 2 (CPU core subcapacity)
For the second physical host PVU subcapacity 480 (120 (PVU per core) * 4 (CPU core subcapacity)
So the total subcap of this product = 140 +480
When you select the host, there will be VM’s where particular product is installed.