Pulse secure - VPN


I’m need to remove all the pulse secure (VPN) from the organization.
The problem is they have several components.

There is somebody here that have a actions or/and relevant for that?

I tried to do like this:
at the “Fixlet Debugger” it’s works successfully, but when I use it in real BigFix it doesn’t work fully bc its remove only half of the components.

parameter "startime"="{now as string}"
waithidden cmd.exe /c "C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\PulseSetupClientCtrlUninstaller.exe"
waithidden cmd.exe /c "C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\PulseSetupClientCtrlUninstaller64.exe"
waithidden cmd.exe /C "C:\users\{name of logged on user|"ERROR"}\AppData\Roaming\Pulse Secure\Host Checker\uninstall.exe" /S 
waithidden cmd.exe /C "C:\users\{name of logged on user|"ERROR"}\AppData\Roaming\Pulse Secure\Setup Client\uninstall.exe" /S 
waithidden cmd.exe /C "c:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe  /q /x {{44E40022-5B42-47C7-8DAF-FD25C6A97454}"
waithidden cmd.exe /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pulse Secure\Pulse\PulseUninstall.exe" /silent=1
pause while {(now - ((parameter "startime") as time)) < 1 * minute }
waithidden cmd.exe /c "wmic product where name='Pulse Secure Installer Service' call uninstall"

The second option I thought about - is to put all the command in bat file.
But I don’t know how to deploy it and run it from BigFix.

and sorry about me English :grin:

I believe you’re going to need to run this as current user. See: https://developer.bigfix.com/action-script/reference/execution/override.html

You’ll also need to enable this action contraint