.PS1 file distribution & enabling


Script file (ready & tested) needs to be copy in temp folder or system32 else default download location of BigFix - without any user acknowledgment.

Action on Endpoints:

  • Run PowerShell as an Admin hidden.
  • Then set the path of script file in power shell.
  • Then set the execution policy unrestricted/bypass.
  • Then run a command on power shell windows.

Note:- we have tried to perform the same with the BigFix software deployment but might be, some issue with the Action configuration script of BigFix. Help us in resolving this issue.

Action Command line on Bigfix

powershell -File “__Download/Block-USB.ps1” -command ".\Block-USB.ps1 -Enable’’

That’s…not how PowerShell works. Don’t mix both ‘File’ and ‘Command’ parameters.

Assuming you’ve already downloaded the powershell script using Software Deployment, the command to execute the script should be

waithidden powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NonInteractive -File "__Download\Block-USB.ps1"


Dear Jason,

we are trying to deploy a script file using the bigfix. as i am a core networking guy and just started the with bigfix for patching & software distribution. learning phase :slight_smile:


Have a script file “Block-USB.ps1” that need to be enable by entering a command “.\Block-USB.ps1 -Enable” after setting the executionpolicy unrestricted/bypass. actual path of the file needs to be set in powershell before command enabling.!

we have added the file on bigfix software apps and below is the action specified in bigfix action install command line

powershell -file"__Download\Block-USB.ps1" -Enable

Return code: 9009

IBM bigfix SWD-deployment result

Can someone help me in deploying a IOS file based software application?, Size 800MB, using bigfix tool