Proxy Connection for IEM Console / Running LMT without Internet access

I’m trying to setup ILMT in a seperate network. In fact the ILMT Server has no physical access to the internet.
The Linux Server is managed via the IEM-Console which runs on my Windows Desktop with internet access. When I try to apply a fixlet through the Console - for example VM-Manager-Tools or the Scanner - , theres a timeout.
“HTTP Error 28: Timeout was reached: Connection timed out after 10010 milliseconds”

I see no option for setting a Proxy for the IEM-Console on my Windows Desktop.

Any help is appreciated.


Hi, just to understand better what the problem is…

I assume that there is a proxy in between the location where the ILMT server is installed and the IEM Server, correct?

Which version of IEM have you installed in your environment?

In any case there is no proxy setting for the IEM-Console, the IEM-Console is only the user interface. When you take an action from the console to apply a Fixlet, the communication goes from the server through the relays hierarchy to the targeted client and, depending on where your proxy is located in your path (between the server/relay and the client or between parent and child relays) the configuration to set to pass through the proxy is different.

If you have installed IEM V9.2, refer to the following section and subsections of the product documentation to identify your scenario and find out how to set up the correct configuration.

Let me know if you still have problems or if you are using a different version of IEM.


Hi Gabriella,

Thanks for your help.
The ILMT Server, the IEM Server and the DB2 Server are installed on the same machine.
This machine with all the LMT components has no access to the internet.

When I understand this correct, the best solution is to setup a relay with connection to the internet via proxy.

Why cant I use the Windows Console as a Relay for the LMT Server/Clients ?


on IEM server installed on a Linux system you set the proxy connection using the command line

From what you write it seems to me that you already set a proxy connection in your IEM environment (because you can see the Fixlets on the console), but you are not able to distribute any Fixlet on an entity (ILMT) residing on the same system where the IEM server is installed.

If I am right, can you please do the following check?

  1. On your IEM server open the besserver.config file.
  2. Go to section [SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server\Proxy].
  3. See if the exceptionlist key contains also localhost,

The exceptionlist key is used to prevent communications from being routed by default to a defined proxy.

By specifying localhost, in the exceptionlist key, you instruct your IEM not to contact the proxy when communicating with targets and components installed on the same machine where you configured the proxy connection.

So, if the key does not contain these comma separated values add them and save the file. Then retry to deploy a Fixlet to the ILMT server and then let me know if it works.

For more information about the exceptionlist key and its usage, see


Look also at this required configuration step for ILMT:
