Properties reporting "Not reported" or Error

Can anyone tell me what causes computer names to either “not reported” or show an error? Those systems that report this way usually have many of the properties with the same status, not reported or error.


I currently have 201 systems with one or the other of these statuses.

I wanted to add, because we are an MSP and have 130+ customers, we have no way to track down this machine to check logs. We have numerous customers that have overlapping IP schemes


Usually this occurs when a computer has been deleted from the Console, and then sends new reports. The new report reactivates the computer, but does not bring back its previously-reported properties, only the new ones. And the computer, not knowing it had been deleted from the console, only reports things that have changed from the last report.

The simplest way to resolve is usually to right-click the computer and ‘Send Refresh’, after which it will send a new full report and everything gets populated; or sending the ActionScript command notify client forcerefresh to do the same.

I will try that and see what it does

As always, thanks for all of your help

I was able to track down one of those that was reporting as an “error”

Earlier today, the logs show normal operations. Everything seemed to be working this morning.

I pulled the logs, this is what it is showing. The refresh did not work on it.



I’m afraid I don’t know causes on that, but I think I saw a similar message here in the forum a few days ago. I’d ask you to open a support ticket on it so we can get more details on your deployment, and let me know the resolution so I can add that to my memory bank

I will open a ticket in a few days. I have several tickets open at the moment and need to get through those first.

I know, your support teams love me. :slight_smile: