ProgramFiles Variable

(imported topic written by nberger91)

The following action fails on european (German) operating systems where the path is “C:\Programme” or “C:\Programme (86)”, however if i run the relevance - (value of variable “ProgramFiles” of environment) on these machines, it returns “C:\Program Files” or "C:\Program Files (x86) when infact the 32 application in question (SEP) are installed to “C:\Programme (x86)” etc …

Whats the best way to code round this ?

if {exists folder (value of variable “ProgramFiles” of environment &"\Symantec\LiveUpdate")}

waithidden cmd.exe /C rmdir /Q /S “{(value of variable “ProgramFiles” of environment &”\Symantec\LiveUpdate")}"


if {exists folder (value of variable “ProgramFiles” of environment &"\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection")}

waithidden cmd.exe /C rmdir /Q /S “{(value of variable “ProgramFiles” of environment &”\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection")}"


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Does this help?


(imported comment written by nberger91)

According to Msft article - I should be using values 16425 or 16426, both dont work in relevance ?

(imported comment written by jgstew)

Here is an option that requires localization:

(folders whose(name of it as lowercase starts with “program files”) of root folder of drive of system folder)

Here are some options for v9+ clients:

(if (x64 of operating system) then (program files x64 folder ; program files folder) else (program files folders))

(program files x64 folder | program files folder)

All of these items return “folder” objects so that you can do further relevance upon them, but if you just need the path, just add "pathname of " to the beginning of each.