The product type
inspector does not have a string or integer representation, which is a bit annoying.
Q: product type of operating systems
E: This expression evaluates to an unrepresentable object of type "operating system product type"
T: 0.072 ms
I: singular operating system product type
This is what would be required to provide one:
Q: (if nt workstation product type = it then "Workstation" else if nt server product type = it then "Server" else if nt domain controller product type = it then "Domain Controller" else ERROR "invalid") of product types of operating systems
A: Workstation
T: 0.056 ms
I: plural string
I feel like this should be built in.
This is what I feel like it should actually be like:
Q: product types of operating systems
A: Workstation
T: 0.056 ms
I: plural operating system product type
There should also be an integer type conversion, since that is how it is derived:
Q: (it as integer) of product types of operating systems
A: 1
Neither of these work currently.
The inverse of the integer operation already exists:
operating system product type <integer> : operating system product type
I feel like most inspector operations should be reversible.
CC: @AlanM @dexdexdex