(imported topic written by vuppal91)
Operating Env:
BigFix Version: 8.0.584
BES API Version: 8.0.584
BES API client OS: Windows Server 2008, R2, 64 bit. With latest updates.
BigFix server and BES API are installed on different machines.
I am attempting to do a very simple thing, Validate the user credentials.
The below code works as expected on Windows Server 2003 32 bit.
This code does not work and does not provide any diagnostic information on Windows Server 2008 R2, 64 bit.
VB Script code is
Set sk = CreateObject(“BESAPI.SigningKeys”)
Trace “Setting SigningKey properties.”
sk.SetDSN dsn
sk.SetPrivateKeyPath username, keypath
sk.SetPublisherCertPath username, pubcertpath
sk.SetLicenseCertPath username, liccertpath
Trace “Asking if signing keys are valid.”
havecred = sk.AreSigningKeysValid(username, password)
If havecred 1 Then
trace “Could not verify credentials. Error given was:”
trace sk.DiagnosticMessage
ValidateUserCredentials = False
Set sk = Nothing
trace "Credentials were valid. Continuing. "
End If
Your help is appreciated.
One of our customers is stuck.
Our product integration with bigFix is not functional because they are using Windows Server 2008 R2, 64 bit as their operating environment.