Problem with server not doing actions

(imported topic written by Kenz91)

I have a server that when I try to push out fixlets it doesn’t do anything. It stays with a status of

Here is what I see in the log.

t 10:59:29 -0400 -

User interface session ended for user ‘d2xxxxxx’

At 11:00:49 -0400 - BES Support (

Fixed - TROUBLESHOOTING: Upload ClientUI dump files (fixlet:646)

At 11:01:15 -0400 -

Report posted successfully.

At 11:01:29 -0400 -

User interface process unable to launch (1.87) for user ‘d2xxxxxx’. Retrying every 30 seconds.

At 11:02:30 -0400 -

User interface process started for user ‘d2xxxxxx’

At 11:04:29 -0400 -

User interface process unable to launch (1.87) for user ‘d1xxxxxx’. Retrying every 30 seconds.

At 11:05:30 -0400 -

User interface process started for user ‘d1xxxxxx’

At 11:07:38 -0400 -

User interface process ended (30.109) for user ‘d1xxxxxx’. Retry in 5 minutes.

User interface session ended for user ‘d1xxxxxx’

(imported comment written by BenKus)

What version of the agent are you using?


(imported comment written by Kenz91)


(imported comment written by Kenz91)

It’s running them apparently but it’s taking 4-5 hours before it actually initiates anything after I do the push from the console. Nothing shows up the log except what I posted above. Any idea why this server is taking this long? Everything else seems to be fine on it.

(imported comment written by StacyLee)

I would suggest looking at the server logs. BES maybe waiting for another action or process to complete before it is able to apply the actions.

I’ve seen this AV Scans, Defrags…etc

(imported comment written by MrFixit)

It doesn’t look like the system is getting the UDP ping from the relay or BES server when you take the action. You should be able to see that recorded in the log… in so many words. If the UDP ping is missed the client won’t notice that it has something to do until it gathers which can easily be several hours later depending on the values you are using for your clients.

Check to see if you have firewall or something else that may be blocking that notification to the systems. The default port is UDP/52311.