(imported topic written by jmlafreniere91)
Hello, I’m trying to deploy a script to some workstations and I can’t seem to make it work so maybe you can help.
I’m using the Windows Software Distribution Wizard to upload the content of a directory to the Bigfix server that contains the following:
The “branding.cmd” does the following:
if exist “%programfiles%\logo” goto logo
mkdir “%programfiles%\logo”
copy /y \\logo.bmp “%programfiles%\logo\logo.bmp”
regedit /s \\adjustments.reg
The registry key looks like the following (some lines were removed to shorten a bit):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors
“Background”=“255 211 82”
I’m using a .CMD script to apply the reg keys because there are so many that I don’t want to add them one by one in a fixlet and until now, and I cannot make that work, nor the Windows Registry Wizard.
I’ve added some “pauses” to see what’s going on and, when removing the “/s” to the regedit command, I see the window that ask if I want to merge the registry, and even though it seems to work, IT WON’T DO ADD THE CHANGES in the registry.
Here’s what my action look like:
download http://bigfix.cogeco.com:52311/Uploads/3abbfb6b656306d83bb658585c3360e52597f6bd/Branding.tmp
continue if {(size of it = 701741 AND sha1 of it = “3abbfb6b656306d83bb658585c3360e52597f6bd”) of file “Branding.tmp” of folder “__Download”}
extract Branding.tmp
wait __Download\brandingfr.cmd
What could be wrong ? I’m starting to think that I’m a complete dumba$$ but up to now creating Bigfix scripts is not that straightforward.
I’ve found that the change is applied to HKEY_USERS.DEFAULT instead of HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Maybe this information can help me troubleshooting my issue.
I’ve also found out that there’s a checkbox called “Run as current user” when using the Windows Registry Wizard, but it says the user needs to have admin rights which is a non sense to me. I can’t find the same option using Windows Software Distribution Wizard.