I’m trying to wrap my head around patching of Linux server and first off is Red Hat servers. I’ve been able to establish that the connection between the BES server and the BES client is functional, I’ve managed to run a few tasks against the Red Hat server. When I try to patch the server it just hangs at Pending Download. In the client log I find this message a few times:
DownloadsAvailable: checking
'http://bigfix.domain.com:52311/bfmirror/downloads/23189/0' DownloadsAvailable:
false (action id 23189) At 13:10:12 +0100 - Report posted successfully.
In the BES Console, on the Action summary I see the following information under Download for every patch I’m trying to apply:
//e2fsprogs-libs-1.39-23.el5.x86_64.rpm Failed Server error:
"Non-retryable Error: Http_err_BAD_URL" [send retry request to server]
The Red Hat server has a valid Red Hat license, is setup against RHN and I’m able to install packages from RHN. I believe I’ve misunderstood some essential part of patchning Linux server, but I don’t know what. Anyone got an idea or hint for me about what I’m doing wrong?