Problem about config to connect to Bigfix server via proxy server

Hi everyone.
I’m using a proxy server in my company. It’s the main reasons why I can’t connect to Bigfix server. When I run BESDiagnostics tool to check. It notified that BES Gather services cannot connect to internet.
I found out some solutions to config that modify the proxy configuration in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BigFix\EnterPrise Server\Proxy to change values in proxy:
For examples: I have my proxy name that AAA, port 8080, username AAA and pass AAA.
I set some values like that.
-Proxy: AAA:8080
-Proxy ExceptionList:
-Proxy Pass: AAA
-Proxy User:AAA

But It seems doesn’t work. Can You help me solve this problem? I can’t access to server and can’t do anything.
I founded out another solution that run this command:

C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\BESAdmin.exe /setproxy /proxy:<proxy_host>[:<proxy_port>] 
[/user:<proxy_username> /pass:<proxy_password>] [/exceptionlist:<proxy_exceptionlist>]

Can you replace my example account above to create the correct command :smiley: :smiley:

Please help me if you can. This problem is really difficult and I can’t handle it.

I haven’t fixed this problem yet, can you help me?