Presentation debugger to report

(imported topic written by jc811591)

I have this code that i want to add to create a report with.

( html (it &","& multiplicity of it as string &","))of unique values of (link of it as string) of (applicable computers of it) whose(exists link of it) of bes fixlets whose( globally visible flag of it AND (name of site of it as lowercase contains “patch” or name of site of it = “Enterprise Security”) AND (source severity of it as lowercase as string = “critical” ))

When i open web reports and create a blank report, make it public, add in the code with the <?relevance ?> brackets around it, nothing happens when i run the report. Is there something that i am missing.

this code works in the presentation debugger, but nothing displays in the web reports. it is just a blank page.

(imported comment written by jc811591)

Any help on this, also how can i include an if() then() else() statement to show that if the computer doesn’t need the patch say “patched”

i know it is else (“Patched”), but i don’t know how to incorporate it into the code to make a check, or even what check to make.

(imported comment written by jessewk)

Do you only care about machines that were once relevant for the patch and are no longer relevant? Or do you want it to say “patched” for any machine that doesn’t need it regardless of previous relevance state, e.g. it’s a Windows 2000 machine and the patch only applies to XP machines?

Also, how many machines are in your deployment and are you running 7.0? Just to warn you that if the answers are lots of machines or 6.0, this is going to be a gnarly report to write, the computation time could be huge, and the result set is probably too large to be useful.

(imported comment written by jc811591)

i am monitoring only 7 computers. I just want to test it out. and i don’t care if they were relevant before. I am only looking for ones that need patches, and if they don’t to say patched. I have this already to show the ones that need patched and the number of patches they need.

( html (it &","& multiplicity of it as string &","))of unique values of (link of it as string) of (applicable computers of it) whose(exists link of it) of bes fixlets whose( globally visible flag of it AND (name of site of it as lowercase contains “patch” or name of site of it = “Enterprise Security”) AND (source severity of it as lowercase as string = “critical” ))

(imported comment written by jc811591)

and as shown, i am only looking for the critical ones,

(imported comment written by jc811591)

i guess it doesn’t need to be an if then else statement, i just need it to work.

(imported comment written by jc811591)

any ideas?

(imported comment written by jessewk)

Here you go:

( html (it &","& multiplicity of it as string &","))of unique values of (link of it as string) of (applicable computers of it) whose(exists link of it) of bes fixlets whose( globally visible flag of it AND (name of site of it as lowercase contains “patch” or name of site of it = “Enterprise Security”) AND (source severity of it as lowercase as string = “critical” )); ( html (it & “,Patched,”)) of unique values of (link of it as string) of bes computers whose (not disjunction of (relevants (it, bes fixlets whose (globally visible flag of it AND (name of site of it as lowercase contains “patch” or name of site of it = “Enterprise Security”) AND (source severity of it as lowercase as string = “critical”)))))

(imported comment written by jc811591)


Thanks. it works

I just need to work on formatting now