Powershell script to run BESAirgap utility?

Has anyone written a PowerShell script to run the BESAirgap utility.

We are on version 9.5.4. Cannot move to 955.

The problem we are running into is that the command requires someone to hit the “OK” button.

Has anyone found a work around for this?

We need to set the Airgap utility up to run on a schedule.


It is not possible to run 9.5.4 Windows Airgap to gather sites in “unattended” manner. It always shows message box at the end and you need to clik “OK”.

If you use 9.5.5 Airgap in Non-extraction usage (https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSQL82_9.5.0/com.ibm.bigfix.doc/Platform/Config/c_airgap_tool_overview_NonExtr.html), you can run it in command line, and you can create AirgapResponse with 9.5.5 Airgap and load that AirgapResponse to your server using 9.5.4 Airgap.

This does work better and I can drive it from a command line.

I assume that this version of the AirGapResponse file can pretty much be consumed by any 9.5.x version of the Airgap tool?
