PowerShell Script CIS IIS 7 Checklist

I am using the environment setup task for a CIS checklist. Basically the task is supposed to pull all the powershell scripts from the fixlets, download them, run them and then output the results to a log file. I am having troubles after modifying one of the CIS Checklist fixlets. For whatever reason on a few servers it will not download the following powershell script and run it. There are no errors in the results file or the environment set up log file. Any assistance would be helpful

#Name: cis-1.1.4
#Description: Disable Directory Browsing

$START = Get-Date -uformat “%s”
$SELF = ([io.fileinfo]$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition).BaseName


$Node = “$xml.configuration.'system.webServer'.directoryBrowse.enabled" $Check = "$Value -eq `$false”

$xml = xml
$Value = Invoke-Expression $Node
$Pass = Invoke-Expression $Check
If ($Pass) {
Get-Website | % {
$Sub = (@($.physicalPath) + @((Get-WebApplication -Site $.Name).physicalPath) + @((Get-WebVirtualDirectory -Site $.Name).physicalPath)) | Select -Unique
Get-ChildItem (($Sub -replace “%SystemDrive%”, $env:SystemDrive) -replace ‘$’, '’) webconfig -Recurse | % {
$Xml = [Xml](Get-Content $
$Value = Invoke-Expression $Node
$Pass = $Pass -and ((Invoke-Expression $Check) -or -not $Value)
if (-not $Pass) {
Write-Host $_.FullNamen$Value Break #Comment this line for troubleshooting } } } } else { Write-Host "$env:windir\system32\inetsrv\config\ApplicationHost.config"n$Value }

if ($Pass)

	 echo PASS | Out-File -Append $RESULT_FILE -Encoding ASCII
     echo "[REASON]" | Out-File -Append $RESULT_FILE -Encoding ASCII
     echo "Directory browsing is disabled" | Out-File -Append $RESULT_FILE -Encoding ASCII
     echo "[INFO]: Directory browsing is disabled" | Out-File -Append $LOG_FILE -Encoding ASCII
     echo "[WARN]: PASS" | Out-File -Append $LOG_FILE -Encoding ASCII

echo FAIL | Out-File -Append $RESULT_FILE -Encoding ASCII
echo “[REASON]” | Out-File -Append $RESULT_FILE -Encoding ASCII
echo “Directory browsing is not disabled” | Out-File -Append $RESULT_FILE -Encoding ASCII
echo “[INFO]: Directory browsing is not disabled” | Out-File -Append $LOG_FILE -Encoding ASCII
echo “[WARN]: FAIL” | Out-File -Append $LOG_FILE -Encoding ASCII

#----- Write Excecution Time required for script to log file
$END = Get-Date -uformat “%s”
echo “Execution Time: $DIFF_SEC Seconds” | Out-File -Append $LOG_FILE -Encoding ASCII

Please, could you help me? I need to make a script in powershell that performs a checklist in IIS verifying parameters such as directory Browsing, host headers and others
Please help me. Thanks