Power Trend Overview Report not functioning

(imported topic written by murtasma91)

The built in Power Trend Overview report is not working properly in our deployment. When you view the report in IE it takes a long time for the flash control to display. Once displayed only one operator is displayed, none of the buttons function after you see the flash control it completely locks IE up.

Within Firefox you can actually click some of the drop downs but none of the data we have been tracking is getting displayed. The scroll bars on the page fail to function for both IE and Firefox.

I am logged into Web Reports with an account that has access to view everything in our deployment. Does anyone have any suggestions on things I can check before I call BigFix support?

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

What version of IE and what version of Flash?

(imported comment written by murtasma91)

IE: IE8 with latest patches

Flash: WIN 10,0,32,18

(imported comment written by MattBoyd)

Was there ever any resolution to this? We have the same problem. I’m using the latest version of Flash and Web Reports In Firefox, you can’t scroll down at all. It completely locks up IE. I’ve tried with with a few Web Reports accounts that have varying levels of access, but they all do the same thing.

(imported comment written by murtasma91)

Nope we are still having the same issue.

(imported comment written by MattBoyd)

I guess it’s acceptable then?