Sometimes the power consumption analysis will have properties that return back errors due to complex calculations being done to calculate power consumption. If for any computer, any 1 of the properties of the power consumption analysis returns an error we will exclude that system from power consumption calculations in the dashboard and it will be added to the “removed due to error”. This can be seen directly in the power consumption analyses. Any computer with an <> being displayed in the analysis property will be excluded.
Computers removed due to insufficient data?:
With the new power enhancements, the calculations for power consumption had changed to a per week basis (7 days) instead of having daily power consumption calculations. After discussions it had been decided to exclude computers with less than 7 days worth of data from the power calculations since using their results could have possibly skewed the results and resulted in incorrect assumptions about power consumption and savings. Computers with less than 7 days worth of power data can be determined from the analysis property “Total Power Time tracked in days” in the power consumption analysis whose value should be less than 7.
The key to solving these problems is going to be looking at the data returned (or not returned) from the endpoint in the properties of the Power Consumption Analysis. Start with a few endpoints, take a look at the date being returned and see for which properties the results are being returned as errors. For the endpoints that are being removed due to insufficient data, check the values for the “Total Power Time tracked in days” property in the Power Consumption Analysis.
Hello, are you getting “Removed due to insufficient data” on the dashboard. I was advised you need to have the servers run for at least 7 days collecting power stats before they will display in the dashboard.