Power management question

(imported topic written by emock91)

Do the Power settings as displayed when you right click on a computer , screen saver , Power match the power policy that has been pushed by BigFix ?

We set power options as a default power user in a custom profile called AlbanyCountyPower for 10 PC’s in our lab … only 5 out of 10 seem to keep their settings …

waithidden cmd.exe /C powercfg.exe /create “AlbanyCountyPower”

waithidden cmd.exe /C powercfg.exe /setactive “AlbanyCountyPower”

waithidden cmd.exe /C powercfg.exe /change “AlbanyCountyPower” /monitor-timeout-ac 7

waithidden cmd.exe /C powercfg.exe /change “AlbanyCountyPower” /disk-timeout-ac 5

waithidden cmd.exe /C powercfg.exe /change “AlbanyCountyPower” /standby-timeout-ac 10

The action shows % 100 10/10 complete …

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi emock,

Yes. Changing the current user power profile should be visible for the users. I believe the issue you are showing here is caused by the fact that you were changing the “default user” power profile, which doesn’t affect the currently logged in user. The default power settings affect new users that are created as well as when no user is logged in.

So you should try your test again, but this time select the “current user” power settings.


(imported comment written by boostaz191)

waithidden cmd.exe /C powercfg.exe /create “AlbanyCountyPower”

waithidden cmd.exe /C powercfg.exe /setactive “AlbanyCountyPower”

waithidden cmd.exe /C powercfg.exe /change “AlbanyCountyPower” /monitor-timeout-ac 7

waithidden cmd.exe /C powercfg.exe /change “AlbanyCountyPower” /disk-timeout-ac 5

waithidden cmd.exe /C powercfg.exe /change “AlbanyCountyPower” /standby-timeout-ac 10

dont forget this at the end of your commands

waithidden cmd.exe /C powercfg.exe /setactive “AlbanyCountyPower”