Power management first post time

I have roughly 15-20 various WOL policies setup and in Web Report I’m pulling the first post time from the default log file that gets written/created each day (in the Global/Logs folder). As of last week all appeared to be working fine, however I noticed this week all machine appear to be turning on an hour after they’re supposed to. Has anyone run into this before, or is this an issue with how BigFix is handling the time in the log file?

More Info:
The scheduled WOL’s I have setup appear to be working correctly in some branches, but not others. I noticed when checking the BESWOLMEDIC.log file I’m receiving the following errors. Not sure if anyone has seen these before or not?
[Wed Dec 31 09:43:44 2014] [ERROR] Could not get retrieve an answer for expression: name of bes computer whose (id of it = 14690547)
Please check connection to web reports.
[Wed Dec 31 09:43:44 2014] [ERROR] Terminating Execution

[Wed Dec 31 09:48:19 2014] [INFO] Running BESWoLMedic.exe version 2.0.5
[Wed Dec 31 09:48:19 2014] [INFO] Connecting to WOL service.
[Wed Dec 31 09:48:19 2014] [INFO] Connecting to Server REST API.
[Wed Dec 31 09:48:19 2014] [INFO] REST API returns error: Invalid content returned.[Wed Dec 31 09:43:44 2014] [ERROR] Could not get retrieve an answer for expression: name of bes computer whose (id of it = 14690547)
Please check connection to web reports.
[Wed Dec 31 09:43:44 2014] [ERROR] Terminating Execution

[Wed Dec 31 09:48:19 2014] [INFO] Running BESWoLMedic.exe version 2.0.5
[Wed Dec 31 09:48:19 2014] [INFO] Connecting to WOL service.
[Wed Dec 31 09:48:19 2014] [INFO] Connecting to Server REST API.
[Wed Dec 31 09:48:19 2014] [INFO] REST API returns error: Invalid content returned.

If this was working before, I feel like something changed in your environment. I would check that the accounts that you use for SOAP and REST configuration in the power management site are working correctly. From the error it looks like SOAP is failing right away and perhaps the REST call does not have rights to the workstation that it is trying to wake up.

To troubleshoot your SOAP configuration I would log into web reports and run the same session relevance “name of bes computer whose (id of it = 14690547)” in QNA. I would also check to make sure the account that power management is using can open this link. “http(s)://[Servername]:[port]/webreports?wisdl”

To troubleshoot your REST configuration I would do the same with the REST API. SO… https://[Servername]:/api/query?relevance=name%20of%20bes%20computer%20whose%20(id%20of%20it%20=%2014690547)…

I am more than willing to help, but I would also recommend contacting support as their are too many variables in this equation to diagnose quickly over the forums.