Power Management - Effect of PC Reimage on Power settings


Running on BigFix 9.5.2.
Power Management Setup and Configuration Question:

How will users be impacted if they re-image the pc? Will they still retain the established power settings? Are there any required tasks that must be executed again? Any experience out there with this scenario?


For that you should apply a policy task and have automatic groups as target so you don’t need to re-apply actions manually.


You can create a power profile fixlet from the “Create Power Profile Fixlets” wizard in the Power Management site

Save the fixlet, then take action on it and remove the Ends on and set some reapply criteria:

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Will these power profile fixlets created through the wizard work on Windows 10 as well? I see the description does not include Windows 10.

Currently there is no support for Windows 10 in the IBM BigFix Power Management solution.

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Will these power profile fixlets created through the wizard work on Windows 10 as well? I see the description does not include Windows 10.

Will do. Thanks, BigFixNinja