Pop up message

(imported topic written by rmustapha91)

I have an action script that I created to modify a file in the computer. I deploy the action script through the BDE silo so I wasn’t able to create a pop up message because the BDE environment we are using doesn’t support the “take action” options to customize the script.

I’m looking for some help to create a vbscript that will pop up a message and automatically run the action within 3mminutes of the message. Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Try the following:

Dim objDSM

Set objDSM = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)

objDSM.Popup “Your machine just received C++ Runtime , a pre-requiste for Quality Center to be updated on 01/27…Please save and close your programs…This computer will reboot in three minutes or when you click OK Thank you.”,180,“Quality Center Upgrade Pre-requiste”,vbOKOnly+vbInformation

Set objDSM = Nothing

180 represents seconds, change it as convenient

(imported comment written by rmustapha91)

It worked. Thanks alot . This is what I did

createfile until ENDOFFILE+

Dim objDSM+

Set objDSM = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)

objDSM.Popup “message…Please save and close your programs…This computer will reboot in three minutes or when you click OK Thank you.”,180,“profile modification”,vbOKOnly+vbInformation+

Set objDSM = Nothing


delete __Downlaod\popup.vbs

move __createfile __Download\popup.vbs

waithhidden cscript.exe __Download\popup.vbs

(imported comment written by rmustapha91)

Made a mistake. Disregard the “+” signs - it was a typo.