Poll: What OSes do you use for relays?

[Please note, there are FOUR polls in this thread

  • Windows
  • Linux (CentOS, RHEL)
  • Linux (SUSE)
  • Solaris
  • AIX
  • What are relays?

0 voters

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I think a really interesting add-on would be whether people are using Windows Servers OS or Windows Desktop OS for relays

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If Windows, Server and/or Desktop?

  • Windows (desktop)
  • Windows Server

0 voters

Are your relay computers dedicated or shared with other applications?

  • Dedicated
  • Shared

0 voters

For anyone curious how you can get “100% Dedicated” and “40% Shared”, we can pick multiple responses on the voting options.

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As it stands now, responses indicate that:

MOST relays are dedicated, running Windows Server.
SOME relays run RedHat/CentOS-flavor Linux.
SOME relays rum Windows desktop.
SOME relay computers are shared with other applications.
MANY customers use a combination of these possibilities.

Keep 'em coming!

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It would be interesting to know if anyone even HAS SuSE, AIX, Solaris to even use for Relays. If the poll is only covering the people who have RHEL/CentOS and Windows then thats going to be the only answer. Could we maybe add a “What endpoints do you have” kind of question?

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On what OSes do you have agents deployed?

  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux (RedHat/CentOS/Oracle)
  • Linux (Debian)
  • Linux (SuSE)
  • Linux (Ubuntu)
  • Solaris
  • AIX

0 voters



There is definitely a difference between top level relays and other relays, particularly as far as shared vs dedicated goes.

I consider relays to be disposable, although it is nice to preserve the large cache of top level relays to reduce the load on the root server, especially if the root server has a smaller cache than the top level relays.

Currently we only have Windows relays in production, but I do use CentOS relays for non-production use.

You should be able to take almost any hardware and build it into a Windows or CentOS relay with little effort in an automated way at anytime.

Also, another question is, do you use VMs or Physical Hardware for Relays, or a mix.

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