Policy action not running

(imported topic written by everestt23)

Hi All,

Hope someone can help. I have a custom policy action which is set to re-apply any number of times if it becomes relevant again. However, although I can see in the client log that the Fixlet is evaluating again to true and becoming relevant, the action doesn’t seem to trigger. Any ideas? Sorry there’s not a lot to go on. If people need more detail, let me know!



(imported comment written by Ashwin.D91)


Hi All,

Hope someone can help. I have a custom policy action which is set to re-apply any number of times if it becomes relevant again. However, although I can see in the client log that the Fixlet is evaluating again to true and becoming relevant, the action doesn’t seem to trigger. Any ideas? Sorry there’s not a lot to go on. If people need more detail, let me know!


You’ll probably need to post a part of the client log file and a page of the action summary so that there is more info available…

(imported comment written by everestt23)

Hi! Sorry I haven’t replied, but took a couple of days off.

The task fixlet says:


No user interface will be shown before running this action.

No message will be shown while running this action.


This action will run independently of user presence.

User interface will be shown to all users.


This action will never expire.

It will run at any time of day, on any day of the week, .

If the action becomes relevant after it has successfully executed, the action will be reapplied as a policy an unlimited number of times.

If the action fails, it will be retried up to 999 times, waiting 00:10:00 between attempts.


No operations will occur after the action completes.

The task Fixlet is now showing as relevant again, but the action report states:

The action executed successfully.

This action has been applied 1 time.

Status Completed

Start Time 19/05/2010 11:10:00

End Time 19/05/2010 11:10:01

The client log shows:

At 11:10:01 +0100 - actionsite (http://FLBF01:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)

Command succeeded dos C:\Temp\crl.bat (fixlet 21134)

Fixed - CRL replication - TEST (fixlet:21082)

At 11:10:01 +0100 -

ActionLogMessage: (action 21134 ) ending action

At 11:10:01 +0100 - actionsite (http://FLBF01:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)

Not Relevant - CRL replication - TEST (fixlet:21134)

At 11:10:26 +0100 -

Report posted successfully.

At 11:21:56 +0100 - actionsite (http://FLBF01:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)

Relevant - CRL replication - TEST (fixlet:21082)

At 11:22:04 +0100 -

Report posted successfully.

At 11:30:48 +0100 -

User interface process started for user ‘xxxxxxx’

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

(imported comment written by everestt23)

It’s ok folks, maybe the couple of days off got me thinking straight again. I amended the success criteria and bingo, it’s working. Thanks to anyone who bothered looking.