Please post your stories about BES!

(imported topic written by BenKus)

Our customers are constantly telling us stories about how they have used BES to solve major problems in their organizations. Here are a few examples:

  • One 23,000 seat customer installed the BES Server on Friday, installed all 23,000 BES Clients on Friday night, and then patched 230,000 patches over the rest of the weekend (finally allowing the company to catch up on 12 months of no patching). On Monday, there were no reports of any computer problems.

  • One 14,000 seat customer had a targeted company-wide hacker attack that spread through their organization using special worm-like and spyware-like applications. The attack was very sophisticated, but each time a new variant of the attack was launched, BES could identify infected computers within 10 minutes throughout all their company. The company estimates that it would have taken 10x longer and 50x more man-power to deal with the attack without BES.

  • The current record for number of patches deployed in 1 day is 1.5 million patches deployed (in 6 hours). This came 3 days after the patches were released from Microsoft. This customer had one BES Console operator and used one BES Server to deploy all the patches.

  • One 55,000 seat company had a problem where computers were incorrectly reporting to an old internal application-server. This was causing significant operational issues and network problems. The problem was traced to a DNS record that had a very long time-to-live. They estimated that the problem would resolve itself in 96 hours, but they were able to use BES to flush the DNS records on all their computers in 30 minutes, which completely eliminated the problem.

  • And so on…

Please post your stories about how you have used BES successfully in your organization. Please include your seat-count and applicable details about your deployment if possible.
