Please help; trying to integrate a true/false into my registry relevance

(imported topic written by MarioJaeger)

Hi there I am trying to write some applicability/success criteria relevance that deals with the registry.

I am trying to check 132 subkeys in a key. For the example I am limiting it to 4 results.

This is what I have developed so far:

q: (names of values of keys "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SCC\Viewer Technology\OEME5\Filter List" of registry as string) whose (it contains "Element" and following text of first "Element" of it as integer <= 3)
A: Element0
A: Element1
A: Element2
A: Element3

What I am trying to do now is integrate a true/false on this, firstly to return if any of these REG_BINARY values is “” and secondly that all 132 are there.

I have been banging my head for a while and nothing works, it appears I am stuck with making a statement that would encase the above code such as:

{code}exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SCC\Viewer Technology\OEME5\Filter List” whose (value


of it as string != “”) of registry.

The bold


is what I believe is what I am struggling with as I dont know how to throw it into the previous loop and especially as it needs to be surrounded by " characters.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.



(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

These statements might be close to what you need.

Please see if you can modify and use them.

q: exists values whose (name of it contains “Element” and following text of first “Element” of name of it as integer <= 3 and it = “”) of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SCC\Viewer Technology\OEME5\Filter List” of native registry

A: False

q: (it = 4) of number of values whose (name of it contains “Element” and following text of first “Element” of name of it as integer <= 3) of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SCC\Viewer Technology\OEME5\Filter List” of native registry

A: True

q: (exists values whose (name of it contains “Element” and following text of first “Element” of name of it as integer <= 3 and it = “”) of it AND (it = 4) of number of values whose (name of it contains “Element” and following text of first “Element” of name of it as integer <= 3) of it) of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SCC\Viewer Technology\OEME5\Filter List” of native registry

A: False

Lee Wei