Please explain the sizing fixlet math

(imported topic written by atlauren)

For the fixlet, “BES Server Does Not Meet Recommended Requirements”, the sizing relevance is broken into sections according to the numbers of clients and licenses. One such block is:

(maximum seat count of client license >= 1000 and maximum seat count of client license < 5000 and (speed of main processor < 2000 * mhz or (if (it > 128) then ( ((it / 32) * 32) + (if (it mod 32 > 16) then 32 else 0) ) else it) of (size of ram / (1024*1024)) < 512))

It looks like this license range is “undersized” if either the CPU is less than 2 GHz, or … some murky evaluation of the RAM size. Can someone break down this evaluation? Is there something basic hidden in there, like “MB per client session”?



(imported comment written by PaulPhillabaum)

No, nothing like MB per client in there. It’s converting the size of ram into a nice round number to compare to their sizing chart.

Take a look at this expression in the graphical view of the Fixlet Debugger (aka qna.exe).

(if (it > 128) then ( ((it / 32) * 32) + (if (it mod 32 > 16) then 32 else 0) ) else it) of (size of ram / (1024*1024)) < 512

On a system where bigfix receives a value of “size of ram” like 7192 for 8GB, this relevance will end up with a result of 8000.

(imported comment written by atlauren)

8000… what, though? Licenses?



(imported comment written by PaulPhillabaum)

8000 MB (8 GB). All the ITs refer back to the " of (size of ram "

(imported comment written by atlauren)

Ah, yes. But then it compares that result to " < 512". Why 512?

I don’t understand the logic behind this evaluation.

(imported comment written by PaulPhillabaum)

It looks like this is calculating the system requirements from 2005.

(imported comment written by vincent.h)

I would recommend that you just ignore that fixlet as it probably hasn’t been updated in a long time. As Paul mentioned, the system requirements that that fixlet is based off of is old specs.