Plant to migrate my On-Prem Bigfix Servers to AWS

Hi, I am planning to Rehost (Lift and Shift) my Bigfix Setup which include Root, DB, WebUi and webreports to AWS. i am running Bigfix 10.0.11

Post migration i will be renaming these servers as per our company AWS Naming standard but AD domain will remain same.

I understand from some of the documentation that i can achieve the same by modifying some config like DB remapping using ODBC and use the Alias for Root servers (old server name pointing to new server) and technically it should work.

Does anyone has done this in past and if there is any suggestions?
Is this easy to do if i upgrade to Bigfix 11 ?

Have a look into below post:

In the above scenerio , he is using the same fQDN etc but in my lift and shift, i need to change the hostname of Root , DB , web report and webui.

And are you planning to move the DB to AWS RDS or to standalone SQL server installed on a standard EC2 instance?
The former is not supported so something else to consider.
The other thing is that the name of the root server can’t be changed as it is linked to the license and cert files generated by BigFix.
Would you consider the option to deploy a brand new BigFix Root server and move your clients to the new instance? With the understanding that the action history would get lost along with other data.

We are not planning to AWS RDS. It will be MSSQL only but will be renamed.

As per below article , it seems it possible. My masthead file has a FQDN name and i can create an Alias for the same.

  • If the masthead leverages an IP address, the new Server will have to leverage the same IP address.
  • If the masthead leverages a host name, the new Server may have to leverage the same host name.
  • If the masthead leverages a DNS name/alias (per best practice), the alias will have to be re-pointed to the new BigFix server as part of the migration process. If leveraging a DNS name/alias within the masthead, perform a DNS switch for the DNS name so that the alias now points to the new BigFix Server. Wait for the DNS switch to propagate (this might take some time depending on your DNS services/infrastructure).

We dont want to have brand new Bigfix Root server as we have lot of customization and don’t want to loose.

You may also need additional relay(s) inside the AWS that talk to the on-prem relays outside the AWS env, to enable the on-prem relays and clients reach the new root server on the AWS env

We did this last year from on-prem to a remote data center. There was a new domain so all hostnames had to change.

We had the data replicating about a month prior to the migration. Did one last replication an hour before. We used new certificates that included the new hostnames as SAN.

I definitely recommend opening up a ticket to get support DURING the migration. David Landrige is who you need to reach out to.

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