I am trying to deploy a new version of Symantec Encryption Desktop (formerly PGP). Here is the relevance that was built in the software wizard from the MSI I need to deploy:
/* Relevance generated from file "PGPDesktop64internal.msi" */
(exists file "msiexec.exe" of system folder) AND (disjunction of (NOT exists keys "{061A8C03-B286-40CB-882D-01BA44691048}" whose ( value "DisplayVersion" of it as string as version < "" as version AND value "Language" of it as string = "1033") of keys "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of ( x32 registry; (if exists x64 registry then x64 registry else nothing) ))) AND
/* Relevance for msi launch condition: 'NOT Version9X' */
( (Not (name of it starts with "Win9" or name of it = "WinME") of operating system) ) AND
/* Relevance for msi launch condition: 'NOT VersionNT OR (VersionNT >= 500)' */
( (major version of it * 100 + minor version of it) of operating system < 500 OR ( (major version of it * 100 + minor version of it) of operating system >= 500 ) ) AND
/* Could not transform launch condition: 'IEVERSION >= 501' into Relevance, Could not recognize the following properties: IEVERSION*/
I did change value “DisplayVersion” of it as string as version < “” from >= to the < sign; hoping it would detect all machines that have a version below (I also need to deploy to machines that have no PGP installed.)
It seemed to be working at first, but I have deployed it, but then machines that it have been deployed it still show the fixlet as being relevant. I can then push the fixlet to my test machines and it will run again, when it should not be relevant.
What is wrong with my relevance statement?