The Persistent connections feature introduced in 9.5.11, speaks to relay to client, but what about relay to relay?
For example, I have some relays in a DMZ and they will not receive UDP from their parent relay, so having a persistent connection between the relays would be helpful.
Would this be accomplished by enabling persistent connections on the parent relay and the client of the child relay, as the documentation explains?
Or is this only accomplished in the “Relays in DMZ” feature in 9.5.13?
Relay to Relay communication is done via TCP. So, assuming you allow TCP connections initiated from the DMZ Relay’s Parent, the DMZ Relay should be able to receive notifications.
The “Relays in DMZ” feature in 9.5.13 helps avoid the need to have connections initiated from the DMZ Relay to it’s Parent Relay (to forward Client reports/uploads).
All my years working with BigFix I was under the impression that a new action on the BES kicked off a UDP that traveled down the relay chain to the endpoint. You’re saying it all travels TCP until it gets to the endpoints relay, in which case it is sent UDP?
Correct. Notifications of new actions/gathers are sent via TCP between the Root Server and Relays, as well as between tiered Relays. It is only the ‘last mile’ where UDP is leveraged for a given notification from a Relay to the Clients it serves.
It’s not very obvious in the Network Traffic Guide, but you’ll find that UDP is only referenced for traffic type ‘B’ (which only occurs between Relays and and Clients). We can work to update and improve the traffic guide…