Hey guys
How would I have to adapt the action script if I wanted to action to report a “Pending restart” status in case of an exit code 3010?
Any idea?
Thanks for your help,
Hey guys
How would I have to adapt the action script if I wanted to action to report a “Pending restart” status in case of an exit code 3010?
Any idea?
Thanks for your help,
I haven’t tested this, but I believe you should be able to use the ‘exit code of action’ along with the ‘action requires restart’ command ( https://developer.bigfix.com/action-script/reference/flow-control/action-requires-restart.html ):
if {exit code of action = 3010}
action requires restart
You should be able to use
action may require restart
It will just determine if anything has a pending restart and set the flags for it.
I have the status result in all the baseline patches in “3010 exit code”. this status is showing before restarting.
After restart the machines the status changed to failed in all patches.
Please how to avoid this one.
The 3010 exit code is because the Windows installer can’t complete the install without a restart. See https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/304888
If a baseline touches the same file or if the file is in use when the install is done then you get this condition. There is no way to really avoid this from happening. The status moving to “failed” may be because some patches need others to actually complete before they are run. You may be running too large of a baseline?
Yes, I have applying more than 100 patches in the same time. in this first patches only getting installed and shown pending restart with exit code “0”. rest of the most patches showing pending restart with exit code “3010” . so after restarting the machines first patches reports to IBM Bigfix console “Fixed” and remaining patches shown the status “Failed”.
this is the problem I have facing in my environment.
also can you share your though like how to deploy multiple patches using baseline?