"pending restart" and Linux

There is lots of information about where Windows systems store the flag that indicates that a system requires a reboot (it’s in the registry).

But there is no information about where this is kept on Linux systems.

I need to be able to clear the “pending restart” status WITHOUT rebooting the system.

All I really want to know is where does BigFix store the flag that indicates pending restart = YES.

Anyone know?

If I am not wrong, when an action contains the “action requires restart” command, a BootTime line is input in the [Software\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\GlobalOptions] section of the besclient.config. This value is compared to the boot time of the OS to understand if the reboot is still pending.

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Thanks! That’s what I was looking for. Moving the BootTime date in besclient.config to a date prior to the last boot removed the “pending restart” status.

Just be careful doing this, until you execute the reboot you are likely not protected from whichever vulnerabilities are now falsely reporting ‘Complete’ rather than ‘Pending Restart’.