Patching the BigFix Server

I have a new install of a BigFix platform environment at v9.5.5.193. I see there are patches to v9.5.8, but i have no idea how i can actually apply them to my system. It says I have to do this manually, and then it looks like it wipes out everything. I’m guessing I am doing something wrong but I have no idea what it is. Luckily this is a dev environment but I should upgrade our prod at some point but don’t know how to apply these patches. Any advice appreciated as I can’t seem to find the answer.

Definitely read the upgrade guide. There are several cases where you will have to upgrade as the fixlet upgrades do not handle DSA configuration, remote databases, or running the services with an account other than SYSTEM.

The upgrade does look like a wipe/reinstall. It’s scary, but it works. Take a backup first or snapshot if you are on a VM.

When it gets to running the BESAdminTool, it may look stuck. It may not update status for a while. If you click the window, Windows may say it’s not responding. Don’t interrupt it though. It’ll be updating a log unser the user’s TEMP folder if you want to get a fuzzy that it’s still running.

As @JasonWalker mentioned, upgrades to the root BES server can take a long while and you DO NOT want to interrupt the process. To keep an eye on the upgrade progress, use a log tailing tool (i.e. Baretail on Windows) to keep an eye on the besserverupgrade.log file.

Thanks for the replies. I did the upgrade, it did look scary, this was my first time with this product, but it worked! Phew.