Patching rpm packages vs. patching Linux editions

(imported topic written by MartinZ91)

Hi everyone,

we are patching our SuSE Linux Systems with those fixlets from the “Patches for SuSE Linux Enterprise” fixlet site. Sure that works. Now we have deployed a new computing environment where different SuSE distributions are installed, some of them are Enterprise Versions, some are not. Some are OpenSUSE. Thus those computers do not get relevant for fixlets from the “Patches for SuSE Linux Enterprise” site.

Looking to the Patch-Distribution pages for SuSE (they are structured to distribution name) I’ve seen that for almost all distributions the patch itself is always the same rpm package.

Does anyone have experience in patching with fixlets without relevance for a specific Linux distribution, just dependant on the rpm version? The tests which I have done with modified customer fixlets did not show errors and the patch was installed without problems.

If there is a reason not to proceed in the way, please let me know

regards, Martin

(BES 6.0)