Patching Office 365 - Click2Run


I am currently looking to Patch Office 365 in a similar fashion to what is seen here…

Essentially, I am looking to use the officec2rclient.exe that the suite uses to update rather than actually load a package…completely new to Endpoint Manager and have no action/relevance language skills yet.

Any help creating a fixlet template to run the officec2rclient.exe would be greatly appreciated.


I suggest you check out the Endpoint Manager Action Guide, specifically the prefetch command, which downloads a file, and the wait command, which runs an executable.

After you’ve read through that, this action script will make sense:

prefetch office2rclient.exe sha1:<sha1> size:<size> sha256:<sha256> <url>
wait office2rclient.exe

I salute you on your journey to action and relevance mastery!

Just a slight correction… the format is:

prefetch office2rclient.exe sha1:<sha1> size:<size> <url> sha256:<sha256>

Thanks @AlanM , good catch. I’ll make sure we get our prefetch doc updated.

@Jimmer, you might also be interested in, which will generate a prefetch line for you (including SHA calculations).

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