Patches by year over device types

(imported topic written by mcalvi91)

I am trying to get some windows patching data that breaks down patches by the MS## and Computer Type Property. I dont need a graph but just a table similar to the following.

patch year MS09 patch year MS10

Servers 0 5

Workstations 0 20

Anyone have any idea on how to accomplish this?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

You can make a full custom report for this or you can try using the Excel connector…

Here is some relevance to get the number of patches that are needed for each year (for all computers):

sum of (number of applicable computers of bes fixlets whose (name of it starts with “MS09”)),sum of (number of applicable computers of bes fixlets whose (name of it starts with “MS10”))

You can filter by servers / workstations to get the individual totals (or we can modify the relevance to filter).

