
Hello All,

I want to pull patch compliance report for entire servers present in our environment.
Idea is to get report in below format.

  1. Overall compliance percentage
  2. List of relevant and remediated patches with individual compliance percentage.

Do we have any report which provide such information and which can be schedule on weekly basis.

I see we have compliance report which compare the baseline against computer group to pull the information but here I do not want to use same concept.

Manish Singh

Hi Manish,

1)Overall compliance percentage
A)you can check the particular patch overall percentage on how many computer’s it was installed and how many more needs that by creating a custom report like the attached screen shot.

2)List of relevant and re-mediated patches with individual compliance percentage.
A)For individual percentage follow Point 1 suggestion
for the re-meditated and relevant fixlets select the columns


Thanks @RiyazBasha for your prompt response. This Kinda I’m aware but need details in more specific and eye catching manner.
Might be I was not clear, Let me re-frame by question

I want one report which will give the below information
Overall compliance percentage
List of relevant and re-mediated patches with individual compliance percentage, When I say individual compliance percentage I’m talking per Server.
Also If I take out of the box Relevant and Re-mediated report it will take superseded patch as Remediated which might or not might be installed on the server and this can create Confusion in client mind.
To conclude I’m looking for the report which will pull the all the installed and relevant patches from the server.
-> overall compliance for all the servers present in environment.
-> Compliance percentage per server.

Note:- All information should be present in single report.

Manish Singh

Have you looked at the reports available from IBM BigFix Custom Reports?

This one seems like it might suit your requirements: Interactive Fixlet Compliance Reports v2.0 (Fixlet Compliance by Computer Group or Content). It contains overall compliance, provides per computer compliance, and can be targeted to specific content and computer groups. See the screenshot below.

Thanks @itsmpro92.
will have a look and in-case of any concern, will get back.

Is there any way to pull the information only based on computer group ?

If you install the report noted above, both the Content and Computer Group fields are drop down controls, and will list choices from your environment. The screen shot is from the basic report covering Microsoft Critical Patches for all computers (which is a form of a group). Clicking on the Computer Groups field will produce a list of groups in your environment from which you can choose one or more.

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Thanks @itsmpro92.
For RHEL we have configured custom repository and execute set of command to perform patching on RHEL Server.
So, what would be a best way to get Compliance Report for RHEL Server ?

It looks like you should still use the Patches for RHEL7 or RHEL6 Native Tools sites or whatever Baselines you’re running as the source for this report. The action scripts in the IBM provided fixlets incorporate a test for the custom repository setting:

if {exists setting "_BESClient_RHEL_AllowYumDownloads" whose ( value of it = "1") of client}

The Fixlet relevance still applies, regardless of the source of the patch files themselves.


Hello @itsmpro92,

Can we pull the information for Relevant and remediated Patches based on baseline and Computer group.
-> Report should list out name of Relevant Fixlet and Not Relevant Fixlet against Server.

Manish Singh

You might be able to revise the code of the patch compliance report noted above to achieve your requirements. It is definitely a custom report development effort.

Thanks for your prompt response, lemme give a try…