Password reset for windows 2016

I need to reset local user passwords for windows 2016?
is there a predefined fixlet for the same, i have tried using “” which got failed with exit code “-1073741819”.

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The basic logic should still work, but I wonder whether the 32-bit net.exe is giving trouble?

Try adding
action uses wow64 redirection false to the action script before running the net.exe command.

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I would definitely try this first. You might also want to be sure the password your setting meets complexity requirements.

I have try added this before performing action on endpoint and still it shows same kind of negative exit code

used action:

//pop-up box to request ID
action parameter query “id” with description "Please enter ID, to be reset in this run:"
appendfile {parameter “id” of action}

//pop-up box to request password
action parameter query “password” with description "Please enter password, to be used for ‘ID provided’ in this run: This password must be exactly the same as the password for sysdep in PMP or PMP access will NOT work."
appendfile {parameter “password” of action}

action uses wow64 redirection false

waithidden cmd.exe /C net user {parameter “id” of action} “{parameter “password” of action}”