Password expiration local console operator

In case of having local console operators I would like to check potential password expiration date. However, I did not find this information. Any ideas? Dokumentation did not help me:

So you have maximumPasswordAgeDays configured already and want to report when the expiration will occur for each operator?

Exact. Last expiration was during my vacation, bad luck for my colleagues :slight_smile:

Hm. I thought I made some progress with Session Relevance to get the maximum password age:

(name of it, value of it | "none") of bes deployment options

with results like

maximumPasswordAgeDays, 720
passwordComplexityDescription, ( Passwords must contain 8 characters or more, both uppercase and lowercase letters, and at least 1 digit. )
passwordComplexityRegex, ( (?=.*[[:lower:]])(?=.*[[:upper:]])(?=.*[[:digit:]]).{8,} )

But, after getting the maximumPasswordAgeDays, I haven’t found a ‘bes user’ property or even a REST API call that will retrieve the operators’ last password change time.

So far I’ve managed to build a SQL query that retrieves them, though, if this helps at all.

select username
  , PasswordLastChanged
  , MaxPasswordAge
  , DATEADD(day, CAST(MaxPasswordAge as int), PasswordLastChanged) as PasswordExpirationTime
  (SELECT userinfo.username as username
  , userinfo.PasswordLastChanged as PasswordLastChanged
  , (
      SELECT adminfield.FieldContents AS MaxPasswordAge from [BFEnterprise].[dbo].[ADMINFIELDS]  as adminfield 
      WHERE adminfield.FieldName='Z:maximumPasswordAgeDays' 
     ) as MaxPasswordAge
  FROM bfenterprise.dbo.USERINFO as userinfo
  where userinfo.ldapID is NULL
) AS test

Results sample

username PasswordLastChanged MaxPasswordAge PasswordExpirationTime
mo 2023-01-06 02:31:12.190 720 2024-12-26 02:31:12.190
bfc 2023-02-02 18:42:51.453 720 2025-01-22 18:42:51.453
bfi_service 2023-02-02 18:51:21.810 720 2025-01-22 18:51:21.810
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Oh, seems to be more tricky than expected. As a first step, SQL statement is pretty helpful, thanks very much.
I assume posting an idea / RFE to add this feature might be helpful for the future. Usually I prefer LDAP authenticated users of course but in some cases a local operator makes sense in my opinion.

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