Pacth Activity Schedule Time with client and server connetion broken

we scheduled a patch at 07.00AM to a endpoints, even the connection broken from client to BIGFIX server at 06.59AM due to some problem mean is the patch action execute ?

We can set “start client download before constraints are satisfied” for downloading the patch before scheduling time,

is there any option to execute the action script before schedule time ?

Yes, if the client has preloaded the patches, the action will execute at the given time even if there is no server connection. The client will not be able to report status back until the connection is restored.

As far as options to execute the action script before the scheduled time … no, at least not directly. One method I use to allow endpoint operators some control over their patching schedule, is to use a Custom Constraint on the Take Action dialog. This is the “Run only when … some property … equals some value”. In my case, I create a custom setting called PatchWindowState. I constrain the patching actions by “PatchWindowState … does not equal … closed”.

Then I can send separate actions, one of them an Offer, to change the PatchWindowState to Open. When the user takes the Offer for opening their Patch Window, all of my patching actions will begin executing. Until the user takes the Offer, the patching actions will precache the downloads and then wait on the client with a state of Constrained.

I send a separate action (not an Offer) to also open the Patch Window value, to set a deadline. If the user doesn’t take the Offer by Friday night, this second action will open the patching window for them.

may I know the process how the action script working on endpoints even there is no connection between client and server,

is there any setting we have to do while deploying patches ?

The client caches the action locally until the start time arrives. In fact the client has a copy of all Open actions and continues checking them for relevance, start times, etc., which is a major reason for the guidance on stopping and deleting old actions.