Package Manage Engine Endpoint Central agents error exit code 1605

I am trying to package a deployment package for manage engine central agent but I get error code 1605 anyone can help me figure out what’s wrong in following code?

I’m following this guide I have built version above 10.1

Failed exit code 1605

wait "{pathname of system folder & "\msiexec.exe"}" /i "{(pathname of client folder of current site) & "\__Download\"UEMSAgent.msi"}" /qn TRANSFORMS="UEMSAgent.mst" ENABLESILENT=yes REBOOT=ReallySuppress INSTALLSOURCE=Manual SERVER_ROOT_CRT="%cd%\DMRootCA-Server.crt" DS_ROOT_CRT="%cd%\DMRootCA.crt" /lv "Agentinstalllog.txt

You should probably build the statement in a batch file so you can see what installation string results. At minimum there’s a doublequote issue on "\__Download\"UEMSAgent.msi" - the doublequote before “UEMSAgent” terminates the string early.

The installer may also require disabling 32-bit redirection.
The variables for SERVER_ROOT_CRT and DS_ROOT_DIR may not resolve correctly because they are based on resolving %cd% - so these files are expected to be in the current working directory, but might actually be under __Download (or somewhere else, I don’t know where your files are)

Thanks for your help by removing the doublequote solved the problem.

Great to hear it was a simple fix!