Overriding relevance to reinstall Software?

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

Does anyone know if there is an easy way to override the relevance of a software distribution? For example, if I need to re-install a software on a computer because of issues with the software but the relevance detects that it is already installed what can I do? There’s no way to force the action is there?


(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Hello Joseph,

You would right-click on the existing Fixlet to create a custom copy.

You are then free to modify the relevance to exclude detection of an existing installation.

Watch out that for some apps, you might have to uninstall before you can install over an existing copy.

It is a case by case scenario.

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

In follow-up to this is there any way to force relevance of a task before the computer has checked in? For example, if a computer is stolen and I create a task that wipes the user profile how do I make it relevant so that is gets applied the first time the computer checks in again?

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)


Since you have a very sensitive usecase, it might be worth talking to someone at BigFix to go through different scenarios.

The last thing you want to do is to wipe out a profile on computers unintentionally.

If you know a specific computer that you want to target, you can use the Take Action Dialog and in the Target tab, the 3rd radio button allows you to target “The computers specified in the list of names below”. If the computer ever shows up, it will automatically run the Task.

Lee Wei