Oval vulnerabilities

is there anything to remediate the oval vulnerabilities identified in tivoli endpoint manager security and compliance module, only information links are available

The OVAL links contain the fix necessary for remediation. The fixlets provided are more of a notification that the vulnerability exists in the OS. Most/all of them are simply patches or upgrades.

but how can we able to solve it shows only the informative links, cve number mentioned in the fixlet dont have any fixes, i’m attaching an screen shot for an example. please guide me i’m novice to oval related stuff. i’m soo much confused that how to resolve all those oval vulnerabilities. i have checked around 50 oval fixlet and all of those contain only information link as mention in the screen shot

Yes. As I explained above, that is their only purpose. It allows for a broad overview of what vulnerbilities exist in your environment and the links provide the information on how to remediate them. I agree it can be a daunting task but you would need to read the links provided to determine the best way to remediate.

Personally, for these fixlets, I would like to see a link to an existing fixlet already in BigFix rather than having to check the OVAL site for something that may already exist within the tool.

These (oval vulnarabilities) fixlets doesn’t have any default action which can be taken to remediate these vulnerabilities from BigFix.