Out of Sync baselines web report

(imported topic written by cstoneba)

I have a webreport I use to identify baselines with out of sync components. It normally works well but recently it looks like IBM updated some of their fixlets to use “prefect” instead of “download”. Because this was in the action script instead of the relevance, my report didn’t detect it:

<?Relevance concatenation of trs of (td of link of it & td of (number of components whose ((exists source fixlet of it AND (relevance of it != relevance of source fixlet of it)) ) of component groups of it as string)) of bes fixlets whose (baseline flag of it AND exists components whose (relevance of it != relevance of source fixlet of it) of component groups of it) ?>

I tried used the “script of actions” inspect to then compare the actions out of sync as well as the relevance, but it is giving false positive results (showing that a baseline has out of sync components when it really doesn’t).

<?Relevance concatenation of trs of (td of link of it & td of (number of components whose ((exists source fixlet of it AND (relevance of it != relevance of source fixlet of it) OR (script of actions of it != script of actions of source fixlet of it)) ) of component groups of it as string)) of bes fixlets whose (baseline flag of it AND exists components whose (relevance of it != relevance of source fixlet of it OR (script of actions of it != script of actions of source fixlet of it)) of component groups of it) ?>

Any one know how I can detect if a fixlet in a baseline is out of sync with its source fixlet that will monitor relevance as well as the action script? thanks

(imported comment written by liuhoting)

I believe we have a synchornization dashboard in bigfix labs that does the source fixlet and actionscript monitoring:


(imported comment written by cstoneba)

yup, but I need a webreport so that it can automatically send out a notification email if there are baseline components out of sync.

(imported comment written by liuhoting)

Ah gotcha. When I get the chance today, let me dig into the queries that the synchronization dashboard is making. Maybe it’s doing something totally different than your queries that will also work as a web report. I’ll report back and we can make some sort of comparison.

(imported comment written by liuhoting)

I haven’t had time to work through all of this yet, but I believe the queries that the baseline sync dashboard uses are pasted below. There’s a lot of work that the dashboard then does to parse these results into something usable, but the raw components here should help form the Web Reports equivalent… if I have time later I might take a shot at what a web reports version might look like… I think the second query is probably more what we’re after here…

From: loadBaselinesStoreInspectors

‘(id of it, name of it, link href of it, name of site of it,’ +

‘(number of components whose(exists source fixlet of it AND ( relevance of it != relevance of source fixlet of it ))of component groups of it ),’ +

‘number of (((item 0 of it = content id of item 1 of it, it, item 1 of it) whose (item 0 of it = true) of (content id of action of it, actions of source fixlet of it, script of action of it) of components whose (exists source fixlets of it and exists actions of it) of component groups of it) whose ((item 2 of item 1 of it) as trimmed string != (script of item 2 of it) as trimmed string)),’+

‘concatenations “,” of (ids of taken actions whose (state of it = “Open”) of it as string),’ +

‘exist actions of components of component groups of it,’ +

‘exists components of component groups of it,’+

'number of taken actions whose(state of it = “Open”) of it, '+

'number of (modification times of it, times issued of taken actions whose(state of it = “Open”) of it) whose(item 0 of it > item 1 of it ), '+

‘(item 1 of it - item 0 of it) of ((number of (items 0 of (it, actions of source fixlet of it) whose (exists it whose (content id of action of item 0 of it = content id of item 1 of it))) of components whose (exists source fixlets of it and exists actions of it) of component groups of it) ,number of components whose (exists source fixlets of it and exists actions of it) of component groups of it))’+

‘of (bes baselines) whose(custom flag of it)’

From loadOutOfSyncComponents:

'((id of source fixlet of it as string), id of it, '+

'(if (exists actions of it AND exists(((item 0 of it = content id of item 1 of it, it, item 1 of it) '+

'whose (item 0 of it = true) of (content id of action of it, actions of source fixlet of it, script of action of it) of it) '+

'whose ((item 2 of item 1 of it) as trimmed string != (script of item 2 of it) as trimmed string))) then(content id of action of it) else “”), '+

'exists relevance of source fixlet of it AND (relevance of it != relevance of source fixlet of it)) of (components of component groups of it) '+

'whose ((exists action of it AND exists action of source fixlet of it AND exists(((item 0 of it = content id of item 1 of it, it, item 1 of it) '+

'whose (item 0 of it = true) of (content id of action of it, actions of source fixlet of it, script of action of it) of it) whose ((item 2 of item 1 of it) '+

'as trimmed string != (script of item 2 of it) as trimmed string))) OR (exists relevance of source fixlet of it AND (relevance of it != relevance of source fixlet of it))) of fixlets ’ + id +

’ whose (custom flag of it and baseline flag of it) of bes sites whose (custom site flag of it or master site flag of it or external site flag of it)’;