OSD Phase Promotion Issues

I have an OSD phase setup in my environment that for some reason works probably 60% of the time.

I have a 2nd phase that should change a client registry setting from “Phase2” to “Done” so it unsubscribes from the OSD site.

I cannot figure out why even though it was say completed that it just doesn’t rewrite this value and no matter how long it sits it never does.

Here is a picture of the baseline for that OSD phase. It does 3 thing. It checks to see if DONE doesnt exist then its supposed to change it to DONE. Then i put a force refresh in there to hopefully force it to update that info. Then its supposed to unsubscribe from the site.

AFTER the baseline action is completed i have the action setup to reboot the pc. Im not sure if this is the issue, the pc is rebooting before it can actually complete the steps. But if you open the bigfix client tool and check the progress it says completed. its like it just skips over it or doesnt preform the action and says it does.

its not every pc probably 2/5 that will does this. Any ideas?

One of the rare cases where you would not use {parameter "action issue date" of action}

The effective time for a client setting is used to ensure that if you have multiple actions that change the same value, they are applied in the correct order (the most-recently-issued value would take effect).

However with a Baseline, the ‘action issued date’ is the same time for all of the component actions.

Instead use on {now} so the value’s effective time is based on when the action executes, not when it was issued.


Thank you again Jason. I was curious if that was the reason also. Makes total sense now that you point it out. Ill give it try.