OS deployment stuck at bundle download


I have a Windows 2012 R2 OSD for deploying Windows 2016 operating system. I have installed and created required MDT bundles and have profile for Windows 2016.

When I try to deploy the profile from Bigfix or Binding Menu, the deployment gets stuck at bundle download step.
Please find below the snapshot of the process that is being stuck:

Does anyone have idea where can I manually copy this file which it is trying to download?

Also what are the steps to change “osd-server” to bigfix server in the URL?

osd-server is a relay and old osd-server that we had in the environment. I want this to be either bigfix server or the new osd server so that it downloads the required files directly from server.

Your snapshot does not provide any evidence about the fact that that the process is stuck. If this MDT Bundle is used for the first time, it has to travel from the TEM server down to the Relay. This is taken care by the relaydownloader process and it may take some time. The same il also true for the OS Image file that is even larger. When creating a Profile you have the possibility to perform a precache operation, that will place those large files on the relay as part of the Profile preparation. It is rare but possible that the deployment fails if those large images do not become available (maybe because the network is slow or down). In this case just retry the deployment or use precache.

About your questions:

No. you can not copy those files manually, but, as mentioned you can use precache.

The url always contains the bigfix server host.Looks like you have installd the TEM server on a machine named osd-server. Changing this hostname to something may be problematic for several reasons, not last the fact the
bigfix license may be associated to the tem server hostname.

About your last point this may not be needed. As stated above, the reference to the url “http://osd-server…” is used by the relaydowloader process only in the case when the needed file is not available on the relay. Therefore in most cases it is used only once, the very first time the file is referenced. On subsequent invocations, the file will be on the relay and the url is not used.

Hope this helps

Thank you for the explanation.

osd-server is the hostname of the old osd-server we had, which is now deleted. OS deployment is stuck on this stage from two days. Can the file downloading takes so long?

Even if I try to pre-cache the image, the task stays in pending downloads status till it is expired.

I am not sure why it refers to osd-server for download URL, I have set the Relay of this particular server(on which I am trying to pre-cache the files) to bigfix server.

After two days it is indeed stuck. The precache gives us a better clue of what is happening.
I suspect those resources were created at the time the TEM server was named osd-server. This url information is stored on the tem object when the resources are impoted.
You can try copy the url information and place it on a web browser… i suspect you will get error 404 indicating that the file
…/Uploads/… does not exist on that server.
Then try replace in the browser osd-server with your actual bigfix server name. If this works, as i suppose, then i think you have 2 options: 1) patch hosts file on your relay to redirect osd-server to your temserver. Definatelly not nice but if it works is quick. 2) delete and import the resources again. Unfortunatelly this will impact all your OSD artifacts.
Please let us know how it proceeds.

It worked with replacing bigfix-server name in the URL.

Patching the host file worked like a charm.

Thanks a lot.

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